Friday, October 14, 2011

Discovery of the Inner Writer

I wouldn't say that I'm a great writer but lately I have been reading a lot and something in me has awakened.  I used to write a lot when I was a kid, but I'm not sure why I got away from it.  Was it because I was focused on school? Most likely it was because I was focused on boys.  Anyway back to now, lately I've had all these great ideas running around in my brain, wreaking havoc on my sleeping.  So I decided to put pen to paper...ok ok fingertips to keyboard...and let these ideas tumble out.  Granted these are in no way a finished product.  Most of them are just thoughts being data dumped into Word.

I've even started doing some research on writing.  Found some great websites for writers and have been finding some awesome tips.  One of the writers I have recently been reading, Lori Devoti, has a great site How to Write Shop.  There are some great articles on character development.

At the end of the day...maybe I'll be able to write but then maybe I'll continue to be just an avid reader but I owe it to myself to try.

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