Friday, September 28, 2012

Broken Butt?!?!?!

Still loving CrossFit and still doing well on the Lurong Paleo Challenge, however, tonight I literally broke my butt! Seriously I really did break my tailbone, and I'm sitting here dying laughing about it.  I know I know, its not funny, but really it is and I would pay good money to have a video of it.  Yup sick mind and all but it had to be a great fall.

So tonight I was doing one of the benchmark workouts for the Lurong Paleo Challenge and was doing great.  Rowed my first 500 meters, did my 12 dead lifts, then on to the 21 box jumps when disaster struck.  Ok not disaster thats a bit dramatic but hey it's my story.  Have you ever tried to jump on a 12 inch box?  Looks super easy but looks can be deceiving!  I stood there looking at the box and the box looking back at me it was a stare down.  I swung my arms as though I was going to jump, but it was only pretend, ok I give I chickened out, are you happy?  Anyway I backed away then walked back up and told myself I could do it, its only a box what harm could it do.  Of course at this point I ran all the could happens through my head, I could jump over the box, I could jump and not actually make it onto the box and look like an idiot.  I told my brain to shut up and just focus and do this, the clock it ticking.  Yes this is for time and I'm arguing in my head about jumping on a damn box.

I took a deep breath and jumped.  Did I mention closing my eyes?  No, well I closed my eyes, don't ask me why.  As my feet landed on the box I was excited and opened my eyes and at that point I felt myself going backwards and all I could think of was "Oh shit this is gonna hurt" and I'm sure that "OH SHIT" came flying out of my mouth at that point.  I threw my arms out in front of me, since that's what I was taught, didn't want a broken wrist, elbow, or arm, when I felt it, yup hit the floor tailbone first.  I looked up and saw one of the trainers there and I got up and asked him if there was a trick to doing those damn things.  So he did one for me, yup still looks easy, so I walk up to it and get ready to try again.  Did I mention my ass and back hurting like hell?  Just before I try again Allana tells me to modify and just do step ups, I sooooooooo love her at this moment in time.  So step ups it is.  Well I finished the work out all 4 rounds and 18:59 and that was with a fall, being shown how to do it, and hurting like hell.  I pushed through and did it.  Yes I'm very proud of me.  At the end of the day its not a good idea to wear tennis shoes with shocks since those shocks will propel your ass right off of a box.  Yes new shoes with flat soles ordered tonight!

Have you ever had a night like this where you tried something, had a failed moment but continued on?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Taking Another Step to Being Fit

It's been a while since my last post but life has really gotten in the way.  It's still very crazy around my house but wanted to post what's been going on.  We are still eating natural organic foods and I'm still losing weight.  I feel great and have so much energy.

Two weeks ago I started Cross Fit and I absolutely love it.  After doing that boot camp I wanted to get back into doing something and after seeing how amazing my sister in law looks I figured I'd give it a shot.  So I went to the main Cross Fit website and started researching it.  Liking what I saw I searched for a gym near me...there were 5!  I checked out a few and ended up finding one in my neighborhood, Cross Fit of Aces.

My gym has joined a 9 week Paleo Challenge and I decided since Paleo wasn't such a stretch from what we are currently doing at our house I would give it a shot.  I've been eating strictly Paleo for the last week and it hasn't been so hard.  Cutting out all grains I thought would be a challenge but it really hasn't.  If I really feel the need to eat bread I can make some with almond flour  or coconut flour.  Cutting out sugar hasn't been an issue since we had already replaced sugar with honey or agave syrup.  Oh by the way, don't try to make lemonade with honey...tried it then proceeded to dump it down the drain.  Yes it was disgusting.  Cutting out the dairy has been the hardest part for me.  I WANT A SUPER DUPER LARGE GLASS OF MILK!!!!  I have tried almond milk and its really good but it isn't the same.   8 more weeks and I will be able to have that glass of milk.  

Here's what we are having for dinner:

Beef Stew Paleo Style

  • 1 Tbs Coconut Oil
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1 lb grassfed beef stew meat
  • 2 medium carrots. chopped
  • 6 oz beef stock
  • 4 cups crushed tomatoes
  • 5 oz red wine
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp basil
  • 2 large sweet potatoes, cubed
  1. Saute onions and garlic in the coconut oil until soft and translucent.
  2. Add beef to brown.
    Add carrots, sweet potatoes, beef stock, tomatoes, red wine, oregano and basil.
  3. Simmer on low heat for one hour.
This was really good, so good there were no left overs!  So far my husband and my children haven't complained about going Paleo in our house.

When you diet does your family share the experience and eat what you eat?